Spotlight: Serwa Boateng’s Guide to Vampire Hunting

The cover of Serwa Boateng's Guide to Vampire Hunting by Roseanne A. Brown

I picked up Roseanne A. Brown’s Serwa Boateng’s Guide to Vampire Hunting for two reasons. The first reason was that I’m a Buffy fan. Yes, I know, it clearly says vampire hunting not vampire slaying, but I still thought it was something I would like. The second reason is that it is part of the Rick Riordan Presents imprint. Riordan’s own books about Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythologies are favorites in our house, and now he’s lifting up other authors. Rick Riordan Presents books are fantasies about gods, folklore, culture, and history by publishing their books in the same vein. They’ve explored the myths of countries and cultures around the world. The kid and I love to read them. And we both loved Serwa.

When the book begins, Serwa is happy as can be, homeschooling and training with her parents, who are teaching her the family traditions of Adze hunting. But when a big threat appears, Serwa’s parents make her stay with a family friend and her daughter Roxy instead of helping them fight. And even worse, they make her go to middle school!

Serwa is miserable and disappointed, but when she discovers that there may be a threat at the school, she decides that this is her chance to prove to her parents that she can handle vampires on her own.

Brown’s writing is compelling and funny. I loved the group of kids that Serwa allies with. Through her time with them, she learns how to make connections and pass on her knowledge.


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