Spotlight: 5 Worlds

5 Worlds, a five-book graphic novel series by Mark Siegel, Alexis Siegel, Xanthe Bouma, Matt Rockefeller, and Boya Sun, is immersive, exciting, and beautiful. The eponymous worlds are Mon Domani and its four moons. Each of the books focuses on a different location, giving the artists a chance to depict varied environments — from deserts to moss-covered seas.

At the center of the story is the heroine Oona. She begins unsure of herself and her skills as a sand dancer, still in the shadow of her sister, who was the top sand dancer. Sand dancers are essential in the 5 Worlds as a means to light the beacons on each world and stop the overheating of the environment. Her sister disappeared after failing to light the beacon on Mon Domani.

The books cover a wide swath of themes: racism, the environment, totalitarianism, the media, family (both biological and found), and secrets. Never didactic, the series gives plenty to dissect and discuss.

The art is gorgeous, full of saturated color and detailed landscapes. I appreciated how the creators often let multiple panels run without text, showing us the relationships between the characters and the scenery around them without verbal interference. It was almost as if they were telling me, mid-book, “Slow down and look!”

I would highly recommend this series to fantasy and graphic novel fans.


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