Non-binary Main Characters

cover of book Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith

My kid is non-binary. They are also a big reader. They’ve been searching for more books with enby characters like them. We loved the anthology This Is Our Rainbow. After reading those stories, the kid said, “But I want a whole book about these people.” I wish there were even more books out there, but I did find some excellent novels (one YA and three MG) to recommend. For the purposes of this post — and the preference of my kid — I looked for books that had characters who were agender or non-binary but not trans. Whether these books would be a mirror like they are for my kid or a window into another’s experience, I hope you’ll check them out.

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver (2019)

When Ben comes out as non-binary to their parents, the adults react badly and kick Ben out of the house. They move in with their sister and her husband, who are supportive and understanding. But the rejection by their parents takes a toll on Ben. As Ben struggles to start over, they meet Nathan, who seems to be everything they are not: confident and easygoing. Deaver is a non-binary author.

Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff (2022)

Annabelle is kind of obsessed with new kid Bailey, who is non-binary. Getting to know Bailey and becoming familiar with the LGBT community is exciting for Annabelle, but her dad isn’t supportive of their friendship. Eventually he reveals that he is transgender, and he’s worried that Annabelle’s friendship with Bailey may reveal his secret. Lukoff is a trans author.

Alice Austen Lived Here by Alex Gino (2022)

Best friends Sam and TJ are both non-binary with loving and accepting families. They enter a contest to pick the subject of a statue to celebrate the history of Staten Island. Sam is thrilled to find an LGBT icon to propose: photographer Alice Austen. Gino is a genderqueer author.

Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith (2022)

I loved this MG fantasy book starring a non-binary character. Callie lives in a world where boys train to be knights and girls learn magic. But Callie dreams of becoming a knight, and they know that the world isn’t as black and white as those in charge want to make it seem. They know boys with magic, like the prince of Helston, and girls who believe magic is power, like the daughter of the chancellor. I can’t wait for the future books in this series. Symes-Smith is a non-binary author.


MG Characters Who Cope with Anxiety


Lighthearted YA