Library Love

I am traveling this week, but I wanted to add a short post about why I love libraries. Often when I travel, I try to visit a local library. No matter how large or small, libraries always feel homey to me. There are surprises and delights to be found in a collection you’ve never seen before. What series do they buy every volume of? What books are dog-eared and thumbed-through by dozens of patrons? Some libraries will even give temporary cards to non-residents, a precious treat.

And librarians are some of my favorite people! Always interested in helping, happy to solve a problem or mystery. They don’t even seem to mind when you ask them something ridiculous like, “I’m looking for a book that had a red cover…” and can provide no more useful information. The librarians in our local branch are unfailingly patient with all patrons. They were essential to my sanity during the early part of the pandemic, bringing our requested books to the doors of the building for curb-side pick up.

When I was a kid, I had no interest in sleep away camp, so my parents (bless them) created Yelon Camp. A highlight of the activities was the weekly trip to the library. I brought a stack home each time, full of novels, craft books, and cookbooks.

When I moved to Connecticut, one of the first things I did was get my library card. The library is where I go to get entertainment, information, or just a feeling of hope. I love the promise of yet-undiscovered books. On a day a few months ago, when feeling overwhelmed by grief, the place I went to center myself was the library.

Thank you to libraries for providing so much for me and to so many others. I can’t wait for my next visit.


Ask a Kid: W.I.T.C.H.


Wrapped in a Mystery